He's not the mainstream pretty poster boy but he has classic features like that of a 50s movie star. This guy have attitude and I really admire his acting skills, but I had never realized how amazingly stylish he is. He dresses classic Bad Boy...very elegant, not all jewelery, the too messed up converse...It's all about layering basic wardrobe, easy and laid back. It is not too artsy almost kinda 90s elegant and formal looks, and I can say that Ryan Gosling is the best dressed actor right now.
I've found a few stylish pics of Ryan, and I have to share it here!

6 Responses to I Think I fall In Love Again
Omg! i'm a huge fan of him. Super hot!
Omg! i'm a huge fan. Super Hot!
yea i'm a huge fan too! =)
i love his sense of style :)
me too! He's one good looking and stylish man.
like johnny depp, only sleeker <3
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