Can't believe I just edited 40 I off to take a nap will blog about it later at night =) ADIOS!
Wow that's a long nap, I feels so much better right now. START BLOGGING MING if not you'll doze off again! The 30th of July was a busy day cause I got 2 events to cover S.O.X All-Stars Hoops and Xplay. Yeap I went for S.O.X All-Stars Hoops again but this is the FINALS which was located at Bukit Kiara Equestrian & Country Resort. The players are all so semangat! I'm still half way dead dreaming of my bed =)...and guess I drag who along? Yeap is Shaun again~
This year is definitely more exciting cause I'm here to support the two teams from Malacca woohooo~ Pei Fong and Yok Bin you guys RAWK!
That time main phone now main camera...Shaun memang pattern banyak la haha~
Below 18...but these guys all look so BIG!
Some of the players were good!
Cam whoring lagi haha~
See this fella main camera only...If I know you're bringing ya cam I'll just ask you to take pictures for me haha~
Score that ball!!!
Look at that jump! I cant barely jump that high...
Sitting at the side is totally not fun at all. Capture nice picture yes! But the disadvantages is the ball always come towards me...and guess what unlucky Ming got hit by the ball =(.
I think player no.7 quite good looking! Was telling Shaun he's good looking...and he was like err Ming under 18 pls~ Cougar you! -_________-|||

Every game was furious, all the contestant was here to win this game!
Some special performance by Elecoldxhot. This guys can really move~
Injuries is common matter. Basketball is an exciting fast-moving sport. Unfortunately, what makes the game exciting to watch and exhilarating to play also makes it a high-risk sport for knee injuries. Running with sudden stops, cutting to side, and pivoting can injure your knee. Although there are risk of knee injury, is still a great game, so before you jump in the game, you must know the risk!

Hands down Pay Fong have the best jersey compared to the other teams.

This is the perfect shot of the day =D

Good to know that Pay Fong GOT INTO THE GRAND FINALS! Good job guys~

Another special performance by Da Monster!

I'm with the pretty Jamie =). I'm loving her smile~
I would wish to stay longer...but too bad I can't cover the whole competition cause I'm rushing for another event. I definitely did look out for the updates. Congratulation to this year champion! SMK Methodist , Red DNA! For those who didn't won this year, don't worry! There's always next year boys, Just remember not to give up!
Go to for more exciting photos and videos!
Zoom! Now I'm at the Xplay event! Sometimes I wish I have a twin sister so I can diversify my jobs easily =). The Crowd in Opera was crazy. The place was totally full house and packed. Everyone was enjoying the performances~ Oh yea it was free flow all night long too!
The same MC from S.O.X All-Stars Hoop was there to MC for Xplay too! I don't understand how people can crack their brains and talk whole day...

This guy here ask me to take a picture with him. I didn't know he's one of the contestant for the band competition haha...if I'm not mistaken I think his band got 2nd runner up! CONGRATZZZ~

Shaun so happy...must be checking out some chic LOL~
All in all, this was one hell of a great party by Celcom XPAX!
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