Friday was the most hilarious day ever and should be declared as Funnyday instead of Friday.
Almost every Friday,I will have a midnight movie session together with the guys and their soul mates as well.Normally the boys would be the one that plan the outing but guess what, this week is the girls turn to plan one.
We happily bought 8 tickets of "Monster vs Alien" midnight show.Notice that I did not mention what time the movie is.This is because we did not know what time is the movie showing, up until one of them randomly said is 1230 an everyone went,"are you sure?".One of them answered,"yeah~ yeah~1230".So, we took our own sweetest time to get ready,we had fun chilling and chit chatting in frames.
We reached the theater exactly 1235 and was thinking that theres nothing to worry about because there are always trailers in the beginning.We stood in front of the entrance waiting for our cineplex number to be lighted up.After 5 minutes,everyone was stoned and was confused.Why in the name of god they would not let us enter the cineplex when is like 10 minutes passed the showing time. One of us ask for the ticket and noticed that it was 1140 and we were one hour late. @_@ "
That was the most embarrassing moment ever.On top of that,we actually bought pop corns and all to enjoy the movie.All in all,in the end we decided to just watch the movie.As we were about to be seated, everyone was looking at us with a look that was wondering why do we even bother to watch the movie.I must say that, all of us really have a real thick face to walk in the cineplex with our head held high.Hahaha....
Overall,I consider this as a whole new experience lol.This is the shortest movie I ever watched in the cinema.You can actually tell by feeling our seats.They were not even warm at all,that shows how short we were in the cineplex.LOL~
6 Responses to Monster VS Aliens
i'm sure u guys were laughing eyh :)
good experience though, memories!
LoL ming ming darl, this is hilarious! Lol~ next time check the tickets :p
this is so funny! but i really salute u guys for still going in.. coz i won't bother if that happens to me. haha ming, make sure it doesn't happen when u are going for photoshoots ya! :D
then ma very rugi lo? but how? u guys missed out the 1st hour show.. plan to watch it again? or DVD perhaps? :p
mich dar:ya we laugh our heart out hahaha~
ryn darl:yalo damn stupid nvr check tickets sigh~
Kim:that will nvr happen again hahaha yea must always check my schedule =)
heyley:yyea damn rugi...yea plan to buy dvd...it's a great movie thou very funny =D
its a pity you didn't get to watch the whole show.. but your experience is really quite "exotic" and i think that you wouldn't wanna try it again..
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