OK!ok!i guess some of you must be waiting for my blog post,here goes what happened this week.Well i guess you guys watched the latest episode of Malaysian Dreamgirl.Yea I know~I’m really sad that Farah have to leave us so soon.We just started to know her better but she have to go~For the past week when Tasha is not around we’ve been so close with each other.We have dinner together,talking,laughing and even scared each other at night LOL *only Farah knows what happen in the house WoOoooo~*
Well Monday is one hectic day for us.We hit the gym again and we had DANCING class.Finally it’s the moment that we’re waiting for.I really enjoyed the class.Our dancing instructor is SOOoooOo FUNNY & COOL.He told me that i really feel the move when i dance…YEAP i know i’m feeling it hahaha~well according to Dawn’s blog i bet u guys know we got an invitation to STYLO launch party and there’s a theme for the party.We had to dress up as vampires.Smokey eye make-up,dark maroon lip colour with our hair all gel up neatly,how cool is that!!!There’s so many celebrity there and guess what JIMMY CHOO was there too =D Oh YEAH!!!Albert Nico too~Surprisingly he still remembers me.All of us had a BLAST that night.
This week was quite a surprising week thou…wanna know why i said that =)?because…WE DID AN OUTDOOR SHOOTING SESSION!!!This time around we have to portray lifestyle,more cheerful,cheeky and not giving strong poses.YEAP you’re right!!! I got to smile widely.It’s really hard for me cause I have BRACES.But after so much advise from our gorgeous judge ELAINE and my beloved daddy…I’m not so conscious about my braces anymore.I always tell myself well i’m still in the competition,i got to give it all out and try my very best.I think i’ve done my best.Really hope the photos turn out to be good =)hmm…I’m so worried for the next elimination.The votes are now back to ZERO,so remember to vote for me DREAM 08.
I think that’s all for today…Fashion video post will be up next!!!
p/s: Muk darl i guess ur in Malaysia d…SoOo soOoo sorry i can’t manage to spend time with you.I hope you enjoy ya trip darl.Julian and FD can be the best tour guide ever HAHA~LOVE YA XOXO~
One Response to On Set: Ming
Hi Ming, long time didn't visit u thru friendster.
I have read thru some of your updated news here...You are still gorgeous like before...Take care and all the best!!!
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