Jau Siang :But this jessica girl... hmm.. looks more a doll than a natural human being...
You're right a unique look that makes Stam special and that's what most of the modeling agencies are looking for~Well for me everything is beautiful and everybody is beautiful in their own way.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...one trash is another treasure.It's all about how u carry yaself because everyone sees beauty in diffrent form.I think that being humble & confidence is what makes one's beauty shine.
5 Responses to What Is The Defination Of Beauty?
exactly :)
you go girl!
Hey Lee Ming..
i was at MBO last nite watching the movie "The Wedding GAme" and GOSH....! That actress looks exactly like YOU!!!
Her name is Fann Wong and for a while i thought it was you in the movie because she said she was from Melaka in the movie!!! ahahha.... silly me...
You should go and watch the movie urself believe me!
Hey this pose of yours is really nice.. what i call as "Natural"...mesmerising.. when ppl look at it.. it gives them a ray of hope, that this world has beautiful things indeed! And not all things are baf anf ugly in this world...*am serious*
And why do ppl want a doll in their advert like that Jessica girl? If ppl want a doll, they just need to put a doll there! When i look at those pics, my heart feels cold and this world feels fake... yuckss..
*sorry no offence.. i know she's ur idol.. just saying wats in my mind.*
---> And not all things are bad and ugly in this world... (pardon my spelling mistakes)
jessica is pretty. eventhough without makeup, that is. but one thing for sure, lee ming is pretty even without makeup. for me, i think that's a real beauty. my honest opinion anyways :P
thx guys for ya very kind words~i'm really flattered with all ya comments =)appreciate much!!!Fann Wong?haha ok~Jau Siang you're the 1st who think so I'll take that as a compliment!=)
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