A Quick Hello

Stripe top, ThePopLook - Black shorts, Miss Cindy - Chunky necklace, Baci - Wedges, Vincci.

Can't get used to my new haircut but I'm trying~ I'm trying. I always thought my hair is still long until i look myself in the mirror -___-. But it's time for a change. My Dad was like OMG you don't look sexy anymore! -_____-||| of all comment...not sexy? hmm...
I just dunno why do guys love long hair? it is something i shall never understand. i once had some male friends lecture me on not cutting my hair. i mean really what is it with the hair? Anyway I'm loving my short hair.

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5 Responses to A Quick Hello

jau sang (012-208 2222) said...


beautiful haitcut lee ming!

looks like a young succeessful career woman.

sexy habis. Well done to whoever that did your hair!

Warmest regards,
jau sang

rYnz's Closet said...

ming darl!! u look hawt with short hair!!!! i like ur hair man. hahaha! WHen i first cut my hair short, I'm not used to it to. Felt regretting chopping off. however, im loving it now =D you will love it too!!! heheh. miss ya <3

Anonymous said...

Hi! May I know what type of fake eyelashes u use? It looks very natural. I want to get myself one as well!!


.:Leeming:. said...

thx for the comment jau sang totally appreciate it =)

rynzy darl:hehe thank you darl...u look cute in short haircut too i miss you much~

anonymous:not sure bout it cause my fren got it for me =)

Miss G said...

Guys never like short or wavy hair.... my bf too.... but whenever I cut or permed my hair.... he never complain but still wont say it's nice coz of their ego! ;P

And he sed i've made him confuse... now he's nt sure which hairstyle is nicer... hahahah

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